Sunday, May 13, 2007

The End?

I recall thinking in February how long it would take to complete Learning 2.0, however, the months flew by, and much was learned by these lessons. I especially like the RSS feeds that I now use on a regular basis. The LibraryThing is also one of my favorites. The fun lessons were photos and images, youtube and myspace. I watch one of my favorite television series, 24, on myspace. For those of you who are fans of 24, the site is And I really give the online applications and tools an A+. I mentioned word processing online to my daughter, and she now uses it for school. She created a document at home for a project, then she continued to work/revise said document at school. She thinks it's awesome. I also mentioned some of the lessons to my family, and they were impressed.

The sessions were easy, and you can easily get caught up in spending countless hours looking through all the information the sites offer. The advocates were helpful, if I had questions.

I want to thank everyone involved in bringing forth this training to our attention and for our voluntary use. There is a lot more to learn and digest as technology is evolving, and I'm looking forward to a sequel to Web 2.0 .

I would like to see in-depth training or a refresher course on applications that will be used in the workplace.